Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Government and Armed Forces

It was great to see so many people stand up for boosting moral of Armed Forces which was  claimed to be supposedly lowered by remark of an average human right activist on suggestion of plebiscite of Kashmir . People wrote at length about how one suggestion by an individual was an act of utter disrespect for Armed forces. Encouraged by this sudden flow of  concern by people I am sharing  following two facts for your consideration to decide how Governments sometimes treat veterans of Armed Forces.

Isn't it ironic that the Government which is proposing to spend 3000 crores for rebuilding Lutyens' Bungalows at Delhi that accommodates 100 odd politicians has filed second reconsideration petition in supreme court  for amendment of  the effective date of benefits of arrears of   pension anomalies  for ex - service officers and men from Jan 2006 to Sept 2012 . The sixth pay commission became effective  from 01 Jan 2006 so the pension should have been amended for that day .However as some  anomalies in Pay commission in case of retired personnel were resolved later Government wants to pay arrears  from  24 Sept 2012  .SC had quashed the appeal of Government in Single Bench so they have applied for review.

Insensitivity that is shown  in  formulation of policies   against disabled and war disabled soldiers results in number of cases going to court . When Court upholds and justifiably intervenes , soldiers are forced into ruthless litigation. . Government  with its large team of  lawyers and Solicitors  is busy waging  a war against its own disabled soldiers, but can these soldiers and their families afford to effectively fight this war against the official establishment at the level of the Supreme Court? 

The question looms large,  don't  the people who gave their youth and sometimes their whole life without many complaints about  injustice, hardships and high handedness of authorities within the forces for the honor of  emblem on their caps, deserve peaceful and dignified existence even after they are out of uniform?

It is time we learn to respect vertical people instead of writing sweet obituaries about them  when they become horizontal .


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