Watching “Surviving Mumbai” on Discovery channel was a moving experience tonight . Expressions of survivors and their shaking voices describing horrific moments kept me transfixed with realization that how gruesome it is for people who are face to face with death . Precise observations and honest admissions of these real people , narrating the times when they had lost all hope to live, makes one aware of importance of journey called life . It was soothing to see how people become united and friendly at the time of crisis.
172 died in this inhuman act of cowardice and for thousands, life will never be same again . Many will have to live through this nightmare with scars of bullets that luckily missed their body but pierced their soul.
This attack has taught us many lessons , but sadly we have not learnt much. A person in position of power in this country still feels outraged and offended when stopped for security check and an average Indian is still unaware that his security is not the only concern his chosen home minister has.
It has still not dawned on us that democracy is a collective effort where the authority for smooth functioning of government can be transferred to few parliamentarians but that does not free the citizen from any responsibility . It is so sad that as a nation we are not united against terror attacks and security is yet to become our concern .I am surprised and anguished, as to why we do not make abundant use of technology in our day to day life for prevention and detection ? Why our internal security , our traffic system and our vigil mechanism is resting on few inapt and stooping shoulders ?Why our leaders who claim to be making our nation a better place,don't try to make it a safer place?
On this tragic day amidst the candle marches and forwarded messages, let us remember words of Ernest Gaines , who wrote “Words mean nothing. Action is the only thing. Doing. That's the only thing.” Let us be vigilant ,expressing ,questioning and acting . Let our deeds show our political masters that we love our country and it is high time that they must as well start doing that……